Poetry, short stories, works of fictions, admission of true events- ugly and beautiful. worth a read- worthy of a glance- and hungry for feedback.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Colder the Whiskey, The Wetter the Ice.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Expecting, Getting, and Forgetting
Friday, August 28, 2009
Part 2-"Rhythm is our business" Said Lunceford to Smith
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Smoke means People.

...The five of us were making better time than we expected. About 3 miles south the plant life started to ease up. Another couple and there was almost none left. Just wide open fields, all flooded about 2 feet deep. marshland. at least a mile across. We couldn't tell how far along the horizontals it went. Farther than we could see. We were a people who knew very little about our own countries terrain.
Part 1-a Sunset to the Sun and Suds, Island 28

The Army's buyin' my coffee now.
Basin Street Blues
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Been longer than the Mekong
Wildlife in Cambodia
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Baby-sit the Burglar
Learning how to shoot a Man
A Dimly lit porch, But I could still see His eyes.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Three Drink Circus
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The One Who Scowls
The Ape Dream
Nevada Free City
He sat there with a more or less toothless grin, the few teeth
still bouncing around in his mouth stained by cheap red coyote
wine, his face unshaven and dry, sitting in a gutter in Navada
city, his eyes werent well, his liver was worse. All he had to
his name was a song about the troubles he lived and lovers hed
lost. The moon came up that night and burned a new hole in his
shirt, and the heat of the summer in the desert hinted this was
just the night's sun. His skin was that of an old leathery
indian and his heart was that of an amputee holding a dear john
in a meadow in the south, in the war.
His thoughts tricked each other, one thought led to another and
that thought was saying the preceding was bullshit.
When the dirt of an alley became the norm, he knew he wasnt a
hero, he knew he wasnt comin up again, not in this life. All he
had left to do was chase the corner and fall asleep, and when I
say fall I mean it quite literaly, falling harder into sleep
than someone would think such a gentle proccess could be
He sank into a sweaty mexican death-slumber, the kind he knew when he
was young and farming in the far far south, in the desert,
didnt grow much more than dirt but some how him and the
mexicans found enough scratch to pick up enough tequila, in
a clay jug, to heal their dry hands and cracked knees. This was
that sweaty drunks sleep, this time it was wine, but that night
sun was hot enough to shine on TJ aswell.
When he woke up he was dead and his skin was young,Who needs
a grave when Navada City is free.
take my limbs but fill my sockets
The love they did was without saying so.
Catching her eyes in passing, or catching them swiftly swinging away,She tells herself she wasnt looking at him but all he hears is the sound of her breath on a pillow, in a waking dream.
The looking was the love, and a glance was enough, but never enough.
-Please tell me your eyes sing the same song as mine, please tell me it is your voice im seeing and not just my own, reflected,and pleasing the senses.-
-It is my voice you see, and the song these eyes sing is silent, and is louder still than screaming my love-
-Ill give my lungs and nose and ears, just let me keep these eyes for to sing to you, across a room, a table,take my legs for this love needs no transit,take my arms for no words or amount of waring could show the truth of that glance, leave me my eyes but take all else, none of it has worth, and none of it could I share, not like a glance, those glances-
He would pray if he had a god, pray that she would break his back, his heart, his soul,
-please let it be her who sends me to my grave, not by greif but by a new and potent sorrow-
-The day you close your eyes, or the day I close mine, this is the day your song turns to liquid and hits the floor, sadness so rich you would sleep, and never cry again, never look again, and never glance again-
-I would die if ever she blinked-
I hope Im not cold all day-- Woa-full desert lust and delirious depressive madness
Dried blood rested in his cuticles,it could look like anything,
in the fire it looked black, but Ben knew it was Blood.Ben saw
it before the sun set,before it turned black.
The week had started off with a day like any week, moday, and
it was atleast a cool one hundred degrees by 10 O'Clock. As was
the fashion for a man of his stature, Benjerman Hattock III
tipped a glass to the rising sun as he packed up his tent,
glancing up frequently to look at the town bellow. He didnt
need a pocket watch to tell it was time to go on down.
Benjerman Hatock III,Now I want to know where thu tails are.
Ben was straight faced and his bristle-bramble sonofabitch
thorn stalk mustache didnt flinch a godamn hair.
Down the road, right at the Shoe and Hat, youll see it, couple
fellows out front, one with a rifle, one with a handfull of
forms,wearin a hat.
Spoken as the Shopkeeps throat shook in fear.
it was a three minuete walk to the steps of the whore house.
And there they were.
The man with the rifle had bright blue eyes and his orange
beard was almost white,his hair was full of dust and would have
hung low if it wasnt pushed, or shoved back.He wore old Union
slacks and shoes that had also seen a war, shoes that had
stepped on loved ones, kicked brothers, and trudged through
discarded limbs in search of a better place, only to find
himself old and on the steps of awhore house, only to find the
dreams he once had of family, and of when he would smile, and
not only when matters were perverse.Shoes that walked proudly
for a nation, and were now stained with whiskey-vomit.His
parents were dead and they never knew he lasted the war.
The fellow with the hat was younger, and had a smart look to
him, his grin was crooked and he had a quill and desk,right on
the porch, which surley proved to Ben, this man is a crook.
Gotta have yer name Brother if your gonna be Kissin my Sisters
and he laughs.
Ben let loose the three letters he really knew B-H-III and
droped the quill.
Play nice and dont fall too hard , they aint in it for yer
and he laughs.
The front room even stank of nudity and sweat.
Ben wanted nothing more than to find his girl and get into the
There were people around him.
A very thin man with sweaty trousers and an undershirt sat
touching the knee of some quiet nervous but accomedating young
mexican girl with a white womans dress on her shoulders.
A few men sat together at a table near the right wall passing a
bottlearound and speaking loudly, all things began to spin
as soon as every spinning sound was quiet, they were back, but
in order, and Ben sat opposite a miniature girl, with features
like that splashing milk, the curls and bends of its shape when
it flies outward, when a drop hits the floor, those soft round
edges, all of them,borne in this young woman, no, this girl.If
a throat could speak liquid hers would speak this white white
milk, so quiet.
its very nice to meet you...
her eyes widen.
He says with his lips but not his voice, the air sent from his
lungs to propell the name forth left his being but the sound,
the melody of his speach, never escaped.
Ben,my brother's dogs named Ben..
she laughs.
Ben looks at the floor, his face would never say what he was
thinking ,so fast and deeply,he wanted nothing more than to
talk to this girl, to say all the things he thinks in his days,
in his days on the plains, in his days stealling cattle, more
so in his days relaxing drunkly in the tall grass breathing
warm air and looking at the still illuminated but sunless
sky.In his days when smilling tears threatend to roll down his
face but are dammed by the tightness of his jaw, and his teeth.
Thinking of finding a soft girl to treat well and learning what
it feels like to love someone, but here in this room, that
resembled a shack amongst a stack of shacks,a chicken coop for
fucking, in the desert, all that would leave his throat was
air, and his nerves released how they always did, he pushed his
teeth together so hard his gums bled.
he took the love from her, all of it, he didnt remove his
boots, he quickly left,he quickly droped his bills on the
floor, and he slowly shut the door behind himself as not to
disturb the crying girl.He was never afraid of blood before.
Tonight ill set my tent up, tomarrow ill try to make some
money,I hope it isnt hot tomarrow, I hope im not cold all day.
When the metal bent and the glovebox opened I was wide
Id been thinking lately what a horrible idea automotive
transport is, and my beleifs have only now been more deeply
affirmed. I think car crashes are just a good excuse to
comfort your friend.
"Im sorry"
"Dont appologize for good weather and good company, Id have
it no other way"
Providents, were we saved from our collective Rut? Neither
one of us was happy alone but sitting on a curb with
anti-freeze on my shoes I got to thinking, and from there
saying, and from there joking, then smiling.
Now im tired and the sky isnt blue and cold like it was,
reflected in my shit-black-freeze-shine shoe-boots.First
you were cigarettes, now youre anti-freeze, how am I going
to explain that.
Who cares,
Dont runaway,but please dont give in, cause then ill have
to give in.
Ill add Anti-freeze to my list of assorted grimes I find
comforting,along with Engine grease,Shoe Polish, whatever
it is that all raw-stock metals sweat on to your hands to
make them blacker, and far too dirty for the table.
And Ill have a smile everytime I see an open glove box,
because it dosnt matter why its grinning, I am too.
Pungee spike fucking and the art of abandonment.
As i scaled the face of the earth, i found a new breed of
man, here lay the beast of science, an Asiatic goddess of
viral fads and speech.
nothing was left but a muggy apartment, a half full beer
and a knowledge that could span a thousand lifetimes
without being heard, or appreciated.
the hint of surprise and actually meeting it are two
different things.
The hint is a birthday surprise, there is expectancy of some
sort, weather or not its specific is up to chance, but
meeting with the rock face of a cliff after a stroll past a
tall bush, then drinking your own hot salty death on the
beach while you hear your friends scream is real
surprise,along with beastly hugs and a pressing on the leg
where once your aunt hadn't pressed.
"thick vines are nothing compared to thin wires" said the
vet with his hands held out to explain, or rather enunciate
physically the truth he had come to know. "Vegetation aint
shit when slant-boys done created trip wire,flowers aint
pretty, grenades in soup cans, American soup cans, that's
and the Vietnamese General's daughter came to the states as
a son.
a tall son with thick arms made for carrying mounted
weaponry or operating artillery,instead the arms were sent
to massage and relax the bones of ruined American men,
ripped clean from cleanliness by whistling mortars, by
howling ricochets,by sinking ships, by men made into dogs
and dogs made into breakfast, godamn ill tell you i didnt
have to be there to know the taste of fur in your stew, the
general's daughter-son told me with its eyes and its lack
of care, lack of tenderness,and lack of regret, it would
have made a perfect soldier but the south "won" and north
Vietnam has no room for faggots.
If it wasn't in the east,it would have been the west, but to
say it was without reason is wrong, because when your stock
is drenched in blood and sweat,the reason your there is to
stay alive, and thats as good a reason as any as far as I
can see.
beauty doesn't grow on trees, and it sure as hell doesn't grow
on Vietnam.
If my head weren't so weighty, my pillow wouldn't be so soft.
if your back weren't so comforting, my hands wold feel less rough.
the truth of the matter is my plight is less than horrid, my attitude is worse than life yields, and im thankful that im not the last verse, but rather the middle verse, surrounded by poetry.
Sitting in a species that gives itself too much credit, you can
see the ones that deserve it.
I cant honestly say I'm proud to be human.I do what I can to be
good at humanness,but even doing your best as a human isn't all
that spectacular.It takes alot of effort sure, but so do alot
of things that aren't impressive.
If you learn to ride a horse, you can then travel swiftly
across the Field.But the horse already knows swiftness,and
doesn't try to be swift, it simply is.
The one thing Ive learned, being human, is that fundamentally,
we simply aren't.and what makes us what we are, is what we
I'm not fast, but if I learn to drive a car, I'm fast. The only
reason I'm fast, is because I wasn't.
I think we must be the only species that isn't so many things.
A rat is everything it is, and shruggs insecurity and the
thought of falling short without any effort,not even no effort,
it just is what it is.It will eat,breed, and die.
I will eat breed and die, but the whole time ill be making sure
all the things I'm not-become things I am, because naturally, I'm
not.Just not.
You aren't either, you will be, and the second you are, you wont
be again because you ll discover something else you aren't, you
will become that, then you aren't something new.
Soil feeds plants.soil is what it is, and its not nothing
at all.its everything that it is, no more no less.
I suppose the root of the problem comes from striving to be,
not the actual being or not being, but trying to be, because
if you don't try to be anything, you are something, but as long
as you try, you re never anything, youre just trying.
Sitting in a species that gives itself too much credit,I cant
help but try to put it into words, but just like rats, words
are without me, but I'm not without them.
Of Moons on Hills
I can only think of the moon as huge when its low in the sky.
The higher it gets, the less impressed I am untill I dont have a care at all.
Then the sun becomes impressive and I forget the moon all together.
The sun gets higher and Ill complain and wish the moon was back.
But the moon's blessing only lasts as long as the hills are high.
Of Moons on hills
Of gods and shaking earth
of suns on parade
and of suns taking shade.
Does it give light
or does it steal shade.
It makes oranges grow
But the moon makes the waves grow.
They both take
they both give
but together they are nothing.exactly nothing.
the Backwoods Dinning Society
PLeasantly PLucking PLum sat neath the electric candle-scene PLeasantly Plucking.
BRauwney BOwry SAint chalrie McGeen drank quietly pouring his stream.
MUmblin MUzzy WAter on the Colorado broke glass on the trees and belched like a frog.
DINNER was called and each one of the congregated above a table of greens, all sorts of vegetables, fruits,and cooked vermin.
GRINS EXPLODED! the feast began and the backwoods dinning society celebrated 100 hundred marvelous dinners together.Mead and Wine Flew Freely from cask to dome.They ate all they were able and fell on the warm summer grass on the bank of the river.The Moon Had Risen and the stars came along for the ride, all of them, not just the ones that seem to visit city's, bold stars.
all six eyelids closed at the same time, opening wasn't the matter at hand, for now they were closed.
beware backwoods dinning chaps, for when your eyes open in the cloud drenched morn,your backs will ache and the world will blossom into a great complaining monstrosity of pent up angst and electricity, too much to handle, to much, so much in fact that it spills into the street and you must sometimes hop overa puddle of it or risk being mortaly shocked, of course adding to the generalized and now o-so-o-so normal anxiousness of the trembling citizens.
but next Thursday the river will call and your eyes will colapse in form, united, and all that will matter are these dreams,hang in there chaps, 101s on the way!
The furniture in Venice
Some people will have it no other way than to say "The furniture in Venice is the most intricate and ornate furniture in the world."
the shapes of my messy room are more ornate than the furniture in Venice.
The Alternate King on his Throne of Thrift
He sat lower than low on his throne of thread, teaming and bursting with societies of its own, with termite kings managing termite knaves, and a tick who was the outcast.
The kings home was furnished with the most lavish and elaborate curls and bends in history, crafted by the corossive powers of lazyness and neglect, these shapes could never be replicated, not by the finest artist,and over no amount of time, truley his palace was one to be remembered, but never exactly, there was too much to remember, for any one person to record, bottles and papers and fine clothing stretched themselves across the scape, to show this king was consumed in his own wealth.
he sat nestled in his throne, his eyes blinking once white then forever red, to turn to jelly, to turn to the television, to turn to water, and to disapear