Sunday, August 9, 2009

the Backwoods Dinning Society

PLeasantly PLucking PLum sat neath the electric candle-scene PLeasantly Plucking.
BRauwney BOwry SAint chalrie McGeen drank quietly pouring his stream.
MUmblin MUzzy WAter on the Colorado broke glass on the trees and belched like a frog.
DINNER was called and each one of the congregated above a table of greens, all sorts of vegetables, fruits,and cooked vermin.
GRINS EXPLODED! the feast began and the backwoods dinning society celebrated 100 hundred marvelous dinners together.Mead and Wine Flew Freely from cask to dome.They ate all they were able and fell on the warm summer grass on the bank of the river.The Moon Had Risen and the stars came along for the ride, all of them, not just the ones that seem to visit city's, bold stars.
all six eyelids closed at the same time, opening wasn't the matter at hand, for now they were closed.
beware backwoods dinning chaps, for when your eyes open in the cloud drenched morn,your backs will ache and the world will blossom into a great complaining monstrosity of pent up angst and electricity, too much to handle, to much, so much in fact that it spills into the street and you must sometimes hop overa puddle of it or risk being mortaly shocked, of course adding to the generalized and now o-so-o-so normal anxiousness of the trembling citizens.
but next Thursday the river will call and your eyes will colapse in form, united, and all that will matter are these dreams,hang in there chaps, 101s on the way!

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